Quick and Easy Ways to Organise Your Home with Stickers. A kitchen counter with containers labelled up with black word stickers

Quick and Easy Ways to Organise Your Home with Stickers

Are you feeling the need to organise your home and do a bit of spring cleaning? We've given you lots of ideas to freshen up your home for 2021. Now, I'm going to give you some quick and easy ways to organise your home with our stickers. From organising the kids stuff, to getting a Pinterest-worthy pantry, read on for the easy organisation solutions you need to get a neat, and organised home.

Quick and easy ways to organise your home with stickers, including labelling cooking ingredients

Let's start with one of our most popular sticker sets, our Storage Words Vinyl Stickers. These are so popular, because they are just so versatile. Each set has 10 words, and you can choose whatever words you like. Then choose from four different fonts to suit any taste. These organisation wonder stickers are available in three sizes, 15mm, 20mm or 25mm. This means you can label up small things like baking containers, up to big storage bins. Choose from White, Black, Silver, Gold, Copper, Dark Grey and Light Grey, and add the ten words you'd like when ordering.


So How Can You Use The Storage Words Vinyl Stickers?

There is no limit to the ways you can organise your home with our word stickers.

Let's Start With The Kitchen

The most pleasing way to use our word stickers is using them to organise your pantry or baking cupboard. No more wondering if you're using the correct flour! You can buy a matching set of containers (IKEA are the masters at this) or collect and thoroughly clean jam jars to reuse.

Pantry shelves with containers labelled with Nutmeg word stickers

On a similar theme, how about using a set of stickers to label up the produce in your fridge?

Food boxes in a fridge, labelled with Nutmeg word stickers

Our storage word vinyl stickers are waterproof and you can stick them to any non-porous smooth surface.

Easily Organise Craft Supplies or Toys

So now the kitchen is all neat and tidy, let's look at some other easy organisation ideas using our stickers. Do you have a craft room with different supplies in boxes? Try using word stickers and you'll instantly see what's in the boxes: no more searching! This also works brilliantly for kids toys: Lego, Playmobile, Sylvanian Families, games, Aqua Beads, Hama Beads, the list goes on. 

Ikea shelf with boxes labelled with Nutmeg stickers

Our stickers work perfectly for any storage containers. Think Christmas decorations, spare bed linen, out of season clothes, and even shoes.


We've seen our stickers used to label up containers by the front door: one box for each member of the family. In winter, you can store hats and gloves, in summer, sunglasses and sun hats. If you can train kids (and yourself!) to put their stuff in them the minute they come in, it will save so much time when you leave the house again.

Easy Ways to Organise Your Home With Chalkboard Labels

If you are undecided about what to store in your containers, our Chalkboard Labels Stickers are the answer. These peel and stick black labels act like a blackboard, so you can write on them, and wipe off again if you change your mind. You can stick them to any smooth surface and they can even go outside.
We love organising our desks with chalkboard stickers. Just stick them to clean jam jars for simple storage for pens, scissors, pencils... whatever you like.
Jam jars holding stationery, labelled with black chalk board stickers

Choose from six different shapes, and two sizes - here we've used the large oval shaped blackboard stickers to organise toys in a playroom.

An Ikea storage unit with black chalkboard stickers labelling the contents

And finally, here we have stuck them to our herb pots, to make sure we know what we're cooking with.

Chalkboard labels on terracotta herb pots.


Now you have lots of ideas about how to organise your home to save you time and stress, why not Pin them for later?

Quick and Easy Ways to Organise Your Home with Stickers

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